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Re: [BNW] Re: bnw-digest.19990926

> Is it not possible to run the game with what is in the first book?  From
> reading it, I didn't get that impression.  Or is it just that the player's
> guid gives some cool options that you'd like to use?  If the latter is the
> case, then the incomplete rules thing is a wash, don't you think?

Nope, not and truly do the setting justice.

You tell me if a hypothetical setting exists that has Elves, Dwarves,
Humans, and  80% of the population was human, but 90% of the archetypes
representing  characters were Elves, you'd think Elves are the only really
valid character choice for the game.  If the bulk of the archetypes are ONE
thing, then that totally tilts the balance of power.  Tell me this are 99%
of the NPCs/Villains etc Drawn from the Ten archetypes in the main rulebook?
or are 10% of them?
Are the villains in the later supplements going to be written up as two
different kinds of Deltas--one for those who only have the main
rulebook--and one for those who have supplement B? Are they going to give us
the rules for each archetype when it shows up? For example the Power Shield
has an adventure with a villain (I am supposing here I don't own nor have a
read the adventure)
Is the Ripper a Teleporter? Which doesn't appear in the main book? or is he
a Vampire, Bouncer or something that does?
Will He be detailed enough for me to run him if I don't run out and buy the
Ravaged Earth book supposing he is a Teleporter/Souleater/whathave since I
don't have the book? If he's not detailed enough then I get cheated out by
having an adventure I can't use as written-which I might want to do?
What about 6 months from now will those adventures require a Archetype that
doesn't exist in the Book I have?

The whole thing boils down to if I want to write up packages, or powers or
what have you--I will write an entire game from scratch--I have written

But sometimes I want to go out and buy a game and have fun with there
setting, with there rules without having to do a lot of extra work..