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Re: [BNW] Stories - adventures

--- Tim Craft <deadtim@thefaxcompany.com> wrote:
> >Also another big question: Is anybody thinking of letting their group start
> >as Delta Prime? I have been thinking about it.... Not sure if that is a
> >direction I want to go in but I think it might add a twist to the game.

	What I did was I put one of the members in Delta Prime, and allowed her to gradually dis-like
Delta Prime. It started out fun for her, later when she was put on a team, and asked to take down
others of her kind she didn't mind too much at first. Until the leader killed a good Delta, he was
unregistered, but she knew that he helped the regs. The team of primers set up a trap for the
other group of players, when they arrived, the battle ensued, with her turning on her team
knocking them unconsious at all opertunities.

Robert Swan [http://grw.techhut.com]
Computer Support Spec.
Leonard's Studio
St. Augustine, FL
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