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[BNW] Gunners - tricks

Well I've been thinking about it, and I have some
ideas for gunner tricks unique to that power package. 
They're pretty lame, but it's all I could think of.

One with the gun- Old fighting philosophy, you don't
use a weapon, you be the weapon.  Well, gunners have
that one down pretty well.  So well infact they almost
have a rappore with guns.  They know guns.  At just a
glance, with an easy (tn 5) smarts + shooting roll
they can identify any gun (and any modifications with
an extra success).  This gives the PLAYER any info
about the weapon they need (representing the
characters indepth analysis of the gun).  Also this
character with a TN 10 smarts + shooting can identify
any type of gun by hearing the gunshot (extra success
for modified weapons).  Finally by finding an expended
bullet (or casing) they can identify the type of gun
(at a tn5) at just a glance.  (note the Crack Shot +5
shooting does not apply since this is not an attack,
only an observation)

Signiature gun- Gunners like custom built guns.  With
each extra success on a weaponsmith roll (don't know
enough about weaponsmith to device rules or tns for
making guns) the character can improve his gun beyond
it's normal limits.

Well, I'm pretty sure that gunners should get
quickdraw and speedloading tricks, or at least bonuses
to them, but I can't think of any right now.  Any

-Munch Wolf
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