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Re: [BNW] Newcommer with a few questions

Hello Nikolaj and welcome to the list.

As for questions feel free to ask and we can but try to answer, so here goes

1. How much damage can you take when you have superstrength?

   Yes you add the Str bonus to wounds so Str 4d6+3 is 7 wounds

2. Active defense. In melee combat the difficulty to be hit is 5 + your
combat skill bonus + evt. weapon defense bonus.

   Not sure on this one, but I always add weapon Def even on a dodge.  This 
is a personal ruling thou.  As for the dodge skill I see it used mostly by 
speedsters and bouncers and it seems to work fine. 

3. Covers with wounds and size?

   Again this is personal, but I use cover to increase the TN and act as 
Light armor.  I can't remember how the rules work thou so I hope this helps.  

4. Indestructible vehicles.

   Well since I don't have someone who uses a vehicle as anything other then 
transport I general abstract damage to a vehicle.  For example in the comic 
section Patriot blows up a helecopter so I figure that a blaster can do a 
good job on an econobox.  Also, what attack vehicles, don't forget to reduce 
the TN to hit it by Size-5.  So with it easier to hit a vehicle you can use 
more tricks on it.

Hope this helps and again welcome

Wu Lung Martial Artist/Blaster