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[BNW] Caiman City as planned

Hi Everybody!

>>What do you think of creating a joint campaign setting for BNW?

> I'm not sure what you mean by that.  Can you explain more about what you 
> want or are expecting?

What i have right now is several pages of rough draft, which i will
need some time (the weekend?) to get order in.

But this is what i intend or already have material on, structurewise
(any suggestions are well appreciated):

Setting: Who has money and power in the city, what interest groups
come into the city from without (like mayors office, crime lords,
police, special enterprises, the rich and (not so) famous.

Locales: What places of interest are there (maybe even floorplans?
Cameron, anybody?).

People: What interesting people live there? People with a past who
want to hide? Of course in conjunction with Setting and Locales.

Adventure Hooks: What is there to do for a group of Deltas? Be it
registered, defiant or prime.

Towards that i drafted an introduction for the project:

  Growing up in the sun has its advantages. In Caiman City, a lively small town on
  the east coast of Florida this means swimming, sailing and enjoying life in general.
  The grown-ups are a bit concerned lately, as the unemployment rate is rising, but heck,
  we are young and apart from the occasional hurricane, life is great. Of course you must
  not enter the dense jungle and swamplands nor the seedier parts of the city...

  Caiman City is an adventure setting for Brave New World, the superhero roleplaying game
  from Matt Forbeck.

  The purpose of this website is to offer an integrated campaing setting that offers
  a deep background for differentiated campaign styles:

  * The could-care-less Campaing - the players are still in high school, just experiencing their
    newfound powers. This scenario implies that they are loath to registrate ("Go to Chicago, when
    you have all the sun and parties down here? You gotta be kidding!").
  * The scary Campaign - the players are older, in vocation or college and find out about the
    dark side of town - i mean the old, darke, mystical side of town. This would center on the
    supernatural element of the BNW setting.
  * The mature Campaign - as in scary campaign, but the campaign revolves around powerplays,
    politics, crime and supervillains.

Does that give you any ideas yet?

For Love and Liberty,

Arne Reuter

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