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Re: [DL] copy of pact w/ devil edge

Pact (0pts)

You literally took a deal with the devil.  Perhaps you were weak that day, 
or perhaps you made a hasty decision, but no matter what the reason, you 
regret it now.  Because now it is time to pay.  Seemed like a good deal at 
the time.......

For making this deal, you get 8 extra points.  However these points can only 
be applied to one area - It may be a single aptitude, or an edge.

Any points left over are lost.  IE If you made a pact to be quicker - and 
your quickness was 2d8 - 6 points gets you to 3d8, and one point is lost.

Unlike other similar edges (VotWW, etc.) this pact can be made at any time.  
Talk to your Marshall if'n you want to go down that road.  Oh yeah.  This 
certainly does not go with the Innocent Edge.  And don't try to get this 
with VotWW either.  Do you want to be able to play your character, or what?

These points can be combined with bounty / character creation points, but 
any taint is not lessened just cause you used bounty points.  IE - after 
seeing the powers of the huxter, you decide you would like to be able to do 
the same.  You make your pact, and get 8 points - not quite enough for the 
AB: Huxter edge.  So you toss in a white chip and voila - you have the AB.  
And no time spent studying to boot.  But, you also have to face the effects 
of your deal whenever you use that arcane power.

Finally, once you make a pact you are marked.  You will not be able to make 
a second pact.  You can only sell your soul once pardner.


Basically, this is the same as VotWW, however, you get less points.  But it 
is not as deadly.  You also get to add in the fact that one manitou out 
there has taken a special interest in a member of your Posse.  Play it to 
the hilt - make them very afraid.

You know the drill Marshall.  Draw a card, and compare it to the results 
below.  BTW, henceforth using the trait / edge / skill or whatever will be 
called "invoking the pact"

Oh yeah.  If your cowpoke wants to buy off a hinderance with the pact, 
that's OK.  Just apply the draw below to an affected trait. For example, if 
she buys off a phobia, the taint affects her Guts.  She buys off an ailin' 
hinderance, the taint affects her vigor.  You get the idea.


The Reckoners like your style, and have taken notice of you.  You have a 
manatou appointed to you at all times.  If you are doing the Reckoner's work 
then OK.  If not then expect the Reckoner's to send things your way.  
Marshall, this is more of a role playing hinderance.  This posse member will 
always be the one attacked, all things equal.  Scarsely a week will go by 
without some beastie dropping in to try and do him in.  You get the idea.


Your manatou is a bit flighty, and comes and goes.  Every morning, you 
should make a EASY (5) spirit roll.  If you don't make it, you suffer from 
the equivalent of the Bad-luck hinderance all day.  Looks like your little 
friend is out to get you.  If you go bust, well thats bad luck for 
everybody.  (psst... Marshall the effects of the manatou may look like bad 
luck to everyone else, but that posse member will see the manatou at work, 
throwing obstacles in his way.)


You have a persistant little bugger on riding your tail.  Any beneficial 
magic from a blessed is blocked by your manatou, as best he can.  Increase 
the blessed's TN by +4


You are now marked by your new friend.  Anyone with an arcane background can 
see the mark - it looks vaguely like a cattle brand. Even if a body can't 
see the mark, they still are uneasy around ya. Reduce all Mien related 
skills by -2.  And that sucker hurs, too.


Every time you invoke the pact you age a month.  You or others may notice 
the unnatural aging with an IMPOSSIBLE (11) Cognition roll.  Appropriate 
modifiers are - multiple invokings of the pact, familiarity with the posse 
member, etc.  Permant pacts double a cowpokes aging rate.


You can not inoke the pact to perform any overtly good or heroic act.  This 
includes lowering a fear level, or attacking an abomination.  Treat ihe 
posse member as if she were at your old skill level, or as if they did not 
have the edge, etc.  Notice, saving your own skin, at the expence of others 
is very much approved of by your manatou - no matter who you are fighting.


Invoking the Pact really scares people.  Every time you invoke the pact 
around someone who hasn't seen it before that person must make an EASY (5) 
Guts check.  There are very obvious, albiet spooky effects.  Shadows deepen, 
the sunlight fades, and ancane power flickers over your body.  If you took a 
permanent enhancement with your pact, be prepared to allow time for people 
to get to know you!


Ah, ah, ahhhh.  Don't go stealing the devil's due.  Any TN for healing the 
posse member is inceased by +4.  Oh yeah, they are also thin skinned (one 


Your new "partner" loves his bosses, and won't hear any words against them.  
If you are anywhere near a crowd during a tale telling, you reduce the skill 
of the tale teller by 2 for every time he mentions you "invoking the pact".  
Marshall, if you don't role play your tale telling first, shame on you, 
second assume it is mentioned at least once for every two times the pact was 
invoked up to a max of -6.


Sold your soul on the installment plan, didja.  Roll 10d4.  That's the 
number of times you can invoke the pact before you are dragged kicking and 
screaming to the hunting grounds.  Permanent enhancements "costs" are 
assesed once per month.


Some spirits just can't wait.  When you are in a life and death situation, 
the manatou steps in.  Any fate chips spent on healing count as one chip 
lower.  Marshall - you don't have to tell your posse member this at first.  
Let them figgure it out for themselves.


You shoulda had more faith in Fate, son.  Now whenever you use invoke the 
pact, you can NEVER spend a fate chip to enhance a roll.  Hope you didn't 
buy up your dodge.  Note: if you took brawny with your pact, you can not use 
fate chips to reduce wounds!  Also, Fate chips turned in for bounty are no 
longer fate chips per se, and can be spent normally even on affected traits.


Your contract requires a physical manefesation of your soul.  Every time she 
invokes the pact blood must be spilled.  If not someone elses, then yours.  
The pact requires 4 "wind" of blood for every use.  If she bought and 
"always on" type power - say brawny she has a slow seeping wound that 
permanently decrases her wind by 4 points.


You really did sell your soul, you dope.  You are not dead, but you have a 
manatou riding shotgun.  And the one you played with has a 5d12+4 spirit.  


You are dead.  Furthermore, you don't know it.  Even worse still the the 
manatou that you dealt with is now inside you.  And he has 5d12+4 spirit.  
Hope it was worth it.

If you notice, the effects are a little harsher than expected given the 
point value.  But remember, this is more flexable.  You can use this at any 
time, and most of the effects are not permanent.  Besides, you didn't expect 
the reckoners to play fair did you.

If the posse member is in dire straits they can refuse to invoke the pact.  
To be successful they must make a Hard (9) Spirit roll every time the use 
the appropriate skill (or once a day as appropriate.)  If succesful this 
results in the immediate loss of all the benefits.

If the posse member to buy off the negative effects treat this as a 3 point 
disadvantage (cost of 9 pts to buy off.)  However, don't just give this to 
him.  Have him role play this out.  If he is good, comes up with a good 
scenerio to beat the "devil", and the Marshall is kind, he may even get 
additional benefits.  On the other hand, if he screws up....  Well, life can 
be hard.