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Re: [DL] more plot advice (long, minor spoilers near end)

In a message dated 1/5/00 4:58:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, Ghoull@aol.com 

<<      Well, you said that the posse was going to be getting recognition 
 Hellstromme for defeating the 'Glom, right? Perhaps this Alchemist and 
 (maybe they were partners in the past) did a good turn for him as well and 
 will be with the inventor when he meets the posse. >>

     Addendum to this. I just thought of something.

     Hellstromme could be giving a lavish party for all of the various 
adventurers who have helped him out (either on purpose or by accident) over 
the course of the past year. It's an annual event he throws, supposedly as a 
way to show his thanks for everyone who's done something nice for him and his 
company. It's also a handy opportunity for Hellstromme to collect information 
on other supernatural forces and the current state of the Reckoning. Normally 
the party goes very smoothly and is the highlight of the social year around 
Wasatch Inc. However...


     There are lots of veterans of the Weird West at this shindig, and the 
Reckoners would be mighty pleased if they could get rid of them all in one 
fell swoop. Some of the people at the party have reached 5 grit, so they've 
already got Los Diablos tailing them. At the height of the party, the mad 
cows attack (perhaps even backed up by a Mega-Diablo, if you're feeling 
mean). From that point on the posse will have to fight their way past the 
demons and Hellstromme's own security system in order to escape his mansion.
