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Re: [DL] Plot Help

>Hi List,
>I need some ideas for a Museum.


How about a civil war museum.  The curator insists that "real" history is 
all wrong.  There was no reckoning, the war ended 12 (or so depending on 
when your game is set) years ago.  He even has a picture of Lee and Grant 
signing a treaty at a courthouse in someplace called Appomattox, Virginia.

Obviously the man is mad, but he can not be convinced that this "reality" is 
real, and that his one is obviously fake.  If pressed he finaly admits to 
being drawn here.  In his reality, he was a civil war buff.  He was just 7 
when the treaty was signed, but he was fascinated with what drove the great 
country of America asunder.  His fascination with this era led him to bargin 
with dark powers, and voila he found himself in the Deadlands - where he can 
study the Civil War all the time.

Jeff "Hows that for wierd" Tolle

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