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Re: [DL] Re: Museum

In a message dated 1/7/00 3:58:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
max.trebilcock@virgin.net writes:

<< Further Question, how do you think the Pinks/Agency would deter people
 or what defences would they install. >>

     Aside from some of the obvious things (locked doors, armed guards, etc.) 
to keep out everyday curiosity seekers, Mad Science could take a prominent 
role in defending the building from more determined intruders. You could have 
things like automated gatling guns disguised as statues, ancient vases which 
spew knockout gas, electrified floorplates, and maybe even an Indiana 
Jones-style crushing room where the walls move in on its luckless 
inhabitants. And of course, what kind of museum doesn't have secret passages 
and paintings with eye-holes that people can spy through?
