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Re: [DL] New to the list...lookin' for suggestions.

--- Joe Van Ginkel <darkwingone@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I'm actually getting ready to run a new campaign
> about a group of 
> mercenaries rollin' down the tracks in a war train
> equipped to cannonball 
> the crap out of any abominations they find.  My
> posse will have access to 
> weapons like the secret service's Browning
> Semi-automatic pistol 
> and...heh,heh,heh,heh,heh...tommy guns. I actually
> did the Marshal thing and 
> came up with stats for the Thompson Submachine gun
> (hey, I like tommy guns, 
> okay?).  
> Other than that, do you guys have any suggestions?

How about running Worms and Night Train at the same
time?  Damn Nosferatu Rattler ate my tommy gun ...
time to break out the holy hand grenades...

-Munch Wolf
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