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Re: [DL] Comments from someone new to the List

Hi all,

     I just wanted to take some timeout to agree with Harvey.  I had the 
oppurtunity to meet some of the Pinnacle Staff, at a retailer's convention 
in Berkeley this year.  A fun group who actually seems to play their games!  
Always a refreshing change from the norm of manufacturers, who mostly just 
edit, and often times aren't aware of what exactly they are shipping out.  
So, thanks to all those Pinnacle People who make the games worth it!  Also, 
in case I wasn't clear at the convention, and you guys end up reading 
this..... Excellent Product!!!

                            Jason Adkins

>From: Harvey Wangenstein <wangenstein@mad.scientist.com>
>Reply-To: deadlands@gamerz.net
>To: deadlands@gamerz.net
>Subject: [DL] Comments from someone new to the List
>Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 14:46:45 -0500 (EST)
>I've been lurking for several weeks, now, just getting a feel for the way
>this list works, and for the attitudes of those who regularly post to it.
>I usually play Mage (well, not so much _play_, as my group dried up a 
>years ago), and for the past two years I've been writing Weird Science
>articles for the Sons of Ethers' 1880's counterparts, the Electrodyne
>Engineers, under the pseudonym Professor Harvey Wangenstein (<a
>href="http://web.cari.net/~ddbass/Ether.htm">Etheric Musings</a>). After
>White Wolf came out with Werewolf: the Wild West, I sat waiting for them to
>make a supplement for the same time period for Mage. At this point, I'm
>still waiting. About six months ago, someone mentioned Deadlands. I checked
>into it, and quickly bought both Deadlands and QatD. THIS is what Mage: the
>Wild West should have been. In fact, I've recently started writing Mad
>Science pieces, and converting some of my old Weird Science pieces for
>Deadlands' rules, for eventual submission to Pinnacle. But I seem to have
>strayed from my original point, somewhat...
>My _point_ is that I've found this list to be very refreshing. The posters
>are polite, coherent and knowledgeable, and the topics are interesting and
>creative-thought provoking. I've yet to see a single instance of flaming or
>trolling. Best of all, the developers are regular participants! I really
>appreciate that, as it seems too often that developers tend to sit back in
>their Polyhedron Tower and pay no attention to what fans of their game are
>saying. Pinnacle actually encourages its fans to create and contribute! I
>hope that they don't change that after Deadlands goes _really_ big and they
>buy Wizards of the Coast.
>Anyway, I just wanted to say "thanks" to you guys and gals that make this
>list a pleasure to read each day. I'm gonna go back to lurking, now. All
>this bright light is making my eyes hurt. Come to think of it, all this
>sweetness is making my teeth ache, too.
>Derek D. Bass, a.k.a.
>Professor Harvey Wangenstein, Electrodyne Engineer
>"Relax and enjoy your shoes!"
>-- Footwarrior, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Radio Series
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