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Re: [DL] Chat times and places

In a message dated Fri, 25 Feb 2000  1:21:04 AM Eastern Standard Time, "Kevin Flynn" <flynnkd@powerup.com.au> writes:

> To start, AOL is out for me, I already pay too much. There are heaps of free
> chat areas around, so use them.

I probably should have mentioned earlier, but...

We do the monthly chats as part of the support we provide for our games on AOL. In return for that support, we get a very favorable rate on our company account. All in all, it's a very fair arrangement, perhaps even more to our benefit than AOLs. So, for the time being, those chats are going to contine.

As to free, neutral areas, I'm more than happy to attend them if someone wants to sponsor one. However, I probably won't be setting them up/sponsoring them myself any time in the near future. That sort of thing takes time, even if it's just getting the hang of the chat program. At the moment, time for me (and everybody else in PEG) is in way short supply as we get things on schedule. 

So...any of you who want to set a chat at an odd hour or in a place more accessible, I can't speak for the other PEG folks, but I'm willing to alter my scehdule as best I can to accomodate. Just let me know.
