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Re: [DL] Four Horsemen [Spoilers]

> Spoiler Space
> Spoilers there be...
> Eat McDuffy's
> SpOiLeRs
> Subliminal Messages provided for your benefit
HI List, Hi Max,
According to the HOE timeline Hellstromme is actually the Servitor of
Pestilence, although Biren must figure fairly highly in Pestilences
plans (After all he has started several outbreraks of the Plague).

The main reason for my Mail, I was actually thinking of something like
this for the owner of the Museum I am designing, that he is some kind of
Servitor of Good, his name is Edward Van Helder currently resident of

I have'nt given him an thought to capabilties or such, so if anyone has
any ideas let me know, might explain why he's build such a kooky museum.

