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Re: [DL] A question of Persuade...

>      Well, Agents are (for the most part) only human. If
> a player manages to
> make an excellent Persuade roll and comes up with a
> convincing reason for
> the Agent to blab (pretending to be a fellow Agent might
> work), then I don't
> see any reason why the Marshall can't let a secret or two
> slip as long as it
> doesn't mess up the game. 

Just to reiterate the point buried here:
If teh player says, "I persudae the Agent" I don't care if
he rolls 167, it ain't happening!  If he RPs a nice little
exchange, though, I'd let a few things slip.  Nothing
important, and nothing that will ruin your game of

Then, use Ghoull's idea, or if you're in a particular nasty
mood, make him a Ranger spy posing as an Agent, or if your
ine a *really* nasty mood, make him a BAD boy who has
managed to infiltrate the ranks.  Oh, teh trouble you can
get him in with the Agency, due to his "helping" out this

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