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[DL] persuading against the odds

	I felt I had to come out of "lurk mode" because the subject and
discussions have been very good and I'd like to throw in my 2 cents worth as
a DL GM.  A character's stats are more than just his ability to make rolls,
they are defining ratings of the character's assets as an individual.  A
character with low stats in the 'social department' should be played as
such.  The character isn't going to charm too many people even if the player
comes up with some good lines.  The fact that the player (who plays a
character with fewer socially redeeming values than a nasty nag) made such a
speech might lower the target number by just a tad.  The fact is if you want
to have a character that can charm his way into an abomination convocation
his stats/points/skills should reflect this dedication.
	Like wise a player may feel out of his element from time to time by
playing a character who is better in some areas that the player himself
feels he isn't so well versed.  This is the perfect area to make a roll.  If
the player continually does this or relies on his stat/skills to get him by
because he can't roleplay his character he probably chose the wrong
character to play and might think about a change-over instead.
	I like players who challenge themselves with new character types,
but playing characters that are so totally outside their realm of experience
that they feel the need to "pick up da dice" at the drop of a hat have
perhaps challenged themselves too much.
