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[DL] RTF/HTML format text

Hey there,
	One thing about the DL listservs, would you please set Outlook to send in
pure text only?  Outlook (and Express) default to RTF/HTML format and the
codes tend to interfere with the digests.


I have been running a game for about three months now and i am begining to
question the rules regarding weapon speeds.  I know that origonally the
speeds ment how many cards it took to shoot.  like a single action took
two, a double action took one, and lever action rifles took two.  
later they changed it so that single actions shot once per card and doubles
shot twice, but where does that leave lever actions?  could someone please
clear up the weapon speed ratings so i can go back to worring about
movement problems.
Ron Conner
Marshal of the insane gunbunny runners


Allan 'Deputy' Seyberth

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