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Re: [DL] Overabundance of pecking birds? [JOHN GOFF]

At 12:00 PM 3/9/00 +1300, you wrote:
>Do any of you have house rules regarding how your players use the "Abundance
>of Pecking Birds" Chi power?
>As it stands, it seems way too powerful to me. For 1 chi (+1 per target) the
>character can shoot up to 5 arrows from one bow in one action. These arrows
>all hit/miss on a single to-hit roll.

True - but look at the disadvantages of it - which is the costs.

To raise a martial art power from 0 to level 5 costs 30 bounty points.
Then the cost for shootin': bow.  (In addition to fightin' martial arts,
meditation, enlightened, arcane background, etc)
And the damage of a bow is Str +1d6, which means you need about a 3d10 or
better strength to match or exceed the damage of a pistol.

And - the kicker is that the martial artist has to spend Ch'i to power it.
Chi is only ever recovered with the use of fate chips.  Now, it doesn't
take a lot but the upshot is that the martial artist is spending his
experience points to charge his batteries.
Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - www.darious.com/deadlands

Why did the chicken cross the road?

The chicken chose to cross the road in this decade not because it was easy,
but because it was hard.