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Re: [DL] new arcane powers rules/voodoo

In a message dated Tue, 21 Mar 2000 11:58:26 PM Eastern Standard Time, crowboy <crowboy-9@worldnet.att.net> writes:
> unfortunately, this seems to result in a massive power upgrade,
> since a practical player will take faith:voodoo at 5. this gives him 5
> voodoo spells at 5, making him a deathbeast from hell, what with duration
> per level and suchlike. 

We started playtesting it a couple of weeks ago, and it doesn't seem to over-balance the character. In fact, it helps bring them on par with the other arcane types made ala the revised rules.

Voodooists are never going to be the blast-'em-up spell-slingers that hucksters are, or the subtle-munchkin bait that shamans tend to become. Well, at least IMO. 


John Goff