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Re: [DL] Japanese in DL

>>  Realize that at this time Japan had totaly
>>closed itslef off to the outside world. people
>>weren't leaving or entering Japan.
>Not qite true. By 1879 the Meiji Restoration had led to a new approach which
>  opened the country...

But the official year is 1877.  :-)

The explanation for the samurai in the Weird West is that dispossesed
and/or samurai on the losing side of a battle are coming to America on
their own, or are being recurited by Kang.
Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - www.darious.com/deadlands

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Gary Gygax:
Because I rolled a 64 on the "Chicken Random Behaviors" chart on page 497
of the Dungeon Master's Guide.