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Re: [DL] Hexarcana Martial Artists

>>>And they can affect targets protected by armor.
>>hey now that makes me think.  if some ornery fella >>up and punched say.. a brick wall, or a heavily >>armored opponent, how do you figure out the damage
>>to his hand or if there is any?  roll his STR+some >>modifier for the armor level of the material?  just >>wondrin'
> No--we're too lazy to come up with one. :-)
>I'd advise just giving the sod who insists on doing >that whatever seems appropriate. If you're looking >for hard figures, try 1d6+1 per AV of the target to >the limb he's smacking it with.
> John
So does that mean that a martial artist would take two extra dice of damage if he head-butted an opponent in armour?

Jeff "Uh... I wish to make a dodge from all the head shots the list is taking at me" Tolle


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