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[DL] Re: Faminites (SPOLIERS)

I just read a reference to faminites and I just had to relate this little 
chapter of my ongoing deadlands story...

The Posse was in New Orleans, working for the Sultan (who, abeknownst to 
them, had been replaced by one of Baron LaCroix's skinwalkers, but that's 
another story), and they were intercepting a carriage delivering a faminite 
to Haven hospital for Solomon Thayer. They intercepted the carriage and 
found a square box inside. A fight ensued but the only person who was 
wounded was one Caleb Lazarus, who, at the time, was not known to be 
harrowed (by himself or anybody). The martial artist recognised the nature 
of the faminite, and knew how infectious they are, and told them that the 
only way they could remedy the situation was by finding a Taoist priest. 
Naturally, these are hard to come by at 3 a.m in the morning. I had already 
ruled that as far as I'm concerned harrowed aren't infected by faminites, so 
I just decided to lead them on a merry goose chase. Eventually, they decided 
a regular old Catholic priest would have to do. The priest was a bit bemused 
by this and so recommended that Caleb "take two vials of holy water and see 
him in the morning". Of course, the manitou inside him knew that would be a 
bad idea so it took control and had Caleb flee the scene. And despite all 
this, it has still taken the posse another 6 months to figure out that caleb 
is harrowed...

Reuben McCallum
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