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Re: [DL] {DL} Playing the Dark Side

> But in Deadlands terms nothing you did is "evil" Sure you may have broken
a few laws and mocked a pious man, but it's not like you are using baby
parts to >create gizmos or something...

     Depends how you define evil. I didn't do anything supernaturally evil,
like serve the Reckoners, eat the hearts of my opponents, or develop a taste
for delicious American babies, but I definitely wasn't acting good.
Personally, I think that "evil" is a broader term, including such attributes
as selfishness, duplicity, and greed, even within the Deadlands Universe.
But that's just a matter of semantics, really. For the question at hand,
namely, are evil PCs OK, we must ask ourselves, what type of evil are we
talking about? Selfish/greedy evil is probably OK. Diabolical/servant of the
Reckoners evil is probably not.
