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Re: [DL] Self Exorsism

--- Kirk Monsen <munchwolf@yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- Kirk Monsen <munchwolf@yahoo.com> wrote:
> S
> p
> o
> i
> l
> e
> r
> s
> Yes, I'm replying to myself.  

Yes, I'm doing it again (some one has to).  Better
than having stuff he values missing, have body parts
come up missing.  Imagine this, he goes to bed (or
blacks out), spend a chip, he wakes up and a finger is
missing (and it's his trigger finger), or maybe it's
his whole hand, or both feet, or a leg, or maybe he
just rips both his eyes out and swallows them ...

Being harrowed is a punishment, not a privalage.  Make
the rest of the posse afraid of dying or they might
turn up like this poor sap.

-Munch "A harrowed munchkin is an oxymoron" Wolf

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