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SV: [DL] gamblers luck

> In a message dated 4/26/2000 6:20:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
> Deadlander@aol.com writes:
> << can chips from gamblers luck be used as bounty? i ask this as my non 
> huckster 
>  players are bitchin that its unfair? >>
> Hate ta say it, but as it doesn't flat out say that ya can't...I'd allow them 
> to.     After all....they COULD lose ALL the chips in their poke!     As for 
> the other players......sometimes ya just gotsta let'em bitch...(forgive the 
> language)

No way. The huckster may save these chips for use at ANY time. With enough hexslingin', you hardly ever go bust, and the only thing you need to set in jepardy is a single white chip. The blessed version of the spell, Holy Roller, requries that the chip is spent on the next action. The shaman favor Luck works almost the same way as the Gambler's Luck hex, except at a random chip is lost, and that one states that the chip MAY NOT be turned in for bounty. I would even say that these chips count towards the ten chip limit. If I felt cruel, or that it might be abused, I'd even say that the chips would only stick around untill the end of the session. Then again, my players always say they hate me.

There is no such thing as free bounty. Actually, there is no such thing as FREE.

Marshal Ole I. Stene