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Re: [DL] Heavens Bounty Hunters

> Now part of his Punishment is to have a couple of Celestial
Agents/creatures etc after him, they cannot be destoyed by Mortal man and
his only way to get them >off his back is to seek redemption before they do
him in?
> So what or who are these Bounty Hunters, what can they do. Etc

     Maybe the Bounty Hunters could be special angelic spirits which work
like manitous. They take over recently deceased corpses, animate them, and
take control, automatically getting total dominion. Furthermore, due to
their unique nature, these Holy Harrowed can use both Harrowed powers
(although you might want to change the way the powers manifest themselves so
that they appear a little more sacred) and Blessed abilities. Although they
should be reasonably tough, these guys are not invincible. But although you
can blow their host bodies to smithereens, the only way to get the spirits
to go away is to seek redemption. Otherwise, they'll just inhabit the
closest corpses and start all over again.

     One other thing you could do is have the character be haunted by the
ghosts of everyone whose deaths he has been responsible for over the years,
especially innocents. These spectres aren't visible to anyone else and can't
affect the real world, but they're always cursing the character, offering
bad advice, distracting him during gunfights, and so forth. Every step
towards redemption that he takes causes some of the ghosts to go away, and
every new act of violence adds more members to the spectral posse on his
