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Re: [DL] Marshal's Only, please

--- Mark Metzner <manitoujoe@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hiya, everybody.
> I found this while on Ebay and it reeks of a
> relic-inspired adventure, if I've ever seen one. 
> Totally creepy thing.
> Let me know what you think.  Any cool ideas would be
> appreciated.

Pretty creepy.  Let's see, what can you do with it:

You can have it like the Friday the 13th: TS watch
episode.  Once a day at midnight the user can name
someone and press the button.  Time will stop for
everyone except the user and the person named.  The
user has 1 hr to kill the person named, or he will die
instead.  He can do anything else he wants during that

Similar vein, you can have the user stop time for
everyone but himself.  For each minute (or part
thereof) he spends in stopped time, he ages a year.

There are various other 'stop time' themes that work
as well (try to have someone killed though to 'wind'
the watch up).  Some ideas for stopped time:  No
mechanical devices work during stopped time, so no
shooting guns.  Or you could say that anything that
leaves the users belongings revert to stopped time, so
a gun can fire, but the bullet would freeze as soon as
it left the chamber (although this might allow someone
a free shot at a 'frozen' target, better just make no
guns work).  Treat 'frozen' objects as having armor 2
or 3 for purposes of damage (call it kinetic
unbalance, or somesuch).

Other ideas: Reverse time.  You can use the watch to
repeat the last minute (or if that's too much make it
a round), but the watch ages the user 10 years.

On aging:  I know some harrowed out there will say,
well that's not a big deal.  So each time they should
age, give them 1 level of the dessication hinderance
(no books with me, so I don't recall it's name).  If
the go past level 5, they fall apart into a heap of
dust (or to be cruel, only their head is left, with no
regeneration allowed).

Reverse age:  Allow the watch to reverse the age of
the user.  Someone younger than the user must be
killed and the watch soaked in their blood.  The user
then averages his age with the victim to determine a
new age.  He then gains 1 year each week (or day,
depending on how cruel you are) until he returns to
his normal age.  So an 80 year old man who kills a 60
year old will become 70 [ (80+60)/2 ], but if he then
goes and kills a 20 year old he becomes 45 [ (70+20)/2
].  If you have him age daily, in just over a month he
will be 80 again, but if it's weekly then it will take
about 7 months.  Daily would probably be better.  Note
he would prefer younger victims (children, babies)
getting the greatest gain, while making his crimes
seem more vicious.

Of the choices the last is my favorite since it is the
least abusable in the way of game mechanics, and
although it's a powerful artifact, it wouldn't be
really helpful to the posse if they decide to keep it.

-Munch Wolf

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