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[DL] Re: Question about new experience system

At 11:59 PM 6/3/00 -0400, JohnGoff@deadlands.com wrote:

>In general, unless the reward says differently, award the chips to each
>character in the posse. Some of them specify one character or a small group
>(say who make a certain roll) qualify.

Thanks for clearing that up, John.

BTW, the first session on "Worms!" went well. You'll probably get a kick
out of the fact that when I told my players that "this one was written by
the guy who wrote 'Night Train,'" they all said in unison, "Oh, no!"
Followed by such statements as, "We're dead!" and "At least we know it
won't be the marshal's fault if we get killed. The adventure was *written*
to kill us!"


Chris Griffen

e-mail: cgriffen@cisco.com         http://www.geocities.com/~cgriffen/