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[DL] Transactions of the Royal Marine Geographical Society

Thanks to the ever wise and all-knowing Christopher McGlothlin, I found the
website for the Transactions of the Royal Marine Geographical Society. It's
a historical roleplaying magazine that handles Castle Falkenstein, Space
1889, Cthulhu by Gaslight, and just about any other historically-based RPG.

Up until now, they've been a little light on Deadlands material, but I think
that's about to change. It's a print mag, but they have a website that
showcases some of the articles available. What I've seen is fairly quality
work, and even if it's not _Deadlands_ (yet <g>), there appears to be some
excellent (and mineable) ideas in many of the articles.

Best of all, they're looking for submissions--and they pay! And not too
shabby either.

If you're looking for an entertaining read, you could do worse than cruise
the site and check out what they have to offer. If you're one of the highly
creative folks on the list, you might even consider submitting an idea or
two to them...

Just a heads up,
