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Re: [DL] Evil relic for a Scientist, need one...

Dang Ghoull... we've missed you and your sick little ideas... Keep em coming...
I''m still running one that you got me started on a while back.


Ghoull@aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 6/20/00 12:25:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> jgilham@telebeam.net writes:
> << hi,
>  I need some ideas for a cursed relic for a Mad Scientist.  He drew relic as
>  his joker card in character gen and well, it is a cursed one :)
>  So I would love to hear what you folks deem appropriate.
>   >>
>      How about the living brain of a former colleague who met an untimely
> demise at the hands of a critical malfunction? The brain offers advice
> freely, and will help the scientist with designing and building his
> creations. However, once in a while it will secretly try to possess him, in
> order to work on its new mechanical body. Once its new body is complete, the
> brain will abandon its flimsy "allies" and begin the far more rewarding and
> pleasurable task of inflicting TERROR.
>                         ---Ghoull
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