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Re: [DL] Thoughts on Adventures

In a message dated 7/10/00 1:39:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
natasha_corey@yahoo.com writes:

<< Got anything in mind for a mad scientist trying to cure the world of 
lycanthropy with his faithful Indian brave, a doctor, a Harrowed gunslinger 
and a two-gun
 kid? >>

     No problem. Light reflected from a full moon brings on lycanthropy, 
right? Have a meteor hit the moon hard enough to send a few fragments of moon 
rock flying down somewhere into the west. Once your MS gets ahold of this 
stone, all he has to do is focus some light on it, reverse the polarity of 
the reflected light, and BANG! One anti-werewolf ray, ready to go! Of course, 
lycanthropy-hating mad scientists aren't the only ones who want to get their 
hands on moon rock. That would be too easy. Perhaps the local chapter of the 
cult of Hecate is looking for just the right substance to build their 
demon-summoning amulet out of...


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