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[DL] Minis and such

This again isn't the list for this but the GRW list is still pretty defunct
and since Tom cashman's site is now kaput I thought I would voice some of
the origonal complaints that he had with the GRW system.

1. Bases:  I can't get over this particular portion of the minis.  Slota
bases or something with a bit more surface area is going to be a must.  With
the mini's as large as they are a narrow base like the one on my new
velocipede is not going to cut it.  Please keep that in mind with the new

2. Prices: I'm not totally complaining about the prices.  compared to games
workshop you guys have great prices.  GW charges almost twice what you guys
do for resin models that weigh less than an ounce apeice.  I can understand
what it takes to create a mini and then to get it into production but
quality should not outpace cost and neither should cost become prohibitive
to the game.

3. Resin: I would personally like to see some more figs in resin.
Gunslingers are great and all but buying them in metal at metal prices can
get heafty in the wallet area when they are such a low cost troop on the
table that you could quite literally have several dozen of them on the table
and have points left over for a good cannon or gatling gun.  Making resin
gunslingers, tong gangs, and most of the basic posse troops even up to
walking dead, mounted usa/csa troops and basic soliders would make for
bigger armies, faster painting and less weight overall.  Also, the larger
models like vehicles, cannons, hanging judges  it becomes a real question as
to what is more important, weight or cost.

4: design: nothing personal against bob "the carver" naismith but I really
don't think his designs are the best out there.  I love quite a few of them,
hucksters, the kind of boss hog looking guy, hanging judges, and the walking
dead but really a lot of the figs outright stink.  Faces are hard to paint
and are not really well defined, hands are lump and the automotons look like
refurbed drednaughts from warhammer 40k.

5. Army Sets:  boxed sets with rules suck.  boxed army sets for each
railroad would not be a bad idea.  Say a good watach crew would have a squad
of automotons two mad scientists, a group of x squaders, flamers and
jetpacks, and some clockwork terantulas for good measure.  pick a limit say
500 points and build a decent army for each railroad.  The main boxed set
was ok.  good buildings, good cutouts, nice rulebooks but the minis were
practaclly useless when it came down to building an army and you had to buy
the dumb thing to get the rules.  So Army sets yes, free online rulebooks
yes, pinnicle yes.

    I don't want to see the game become the monster that warhammer is and I
think pinnicle is already on the road to avoiding the mistakes of GW but to
make the game truely sucessful some things really did need to change.

Keep up the good work,
Ron Conner

Money Good!
- James Hetfield