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Re: [DL] Looking for Gamers (in all the wrong places)

>How many of posses out there just use the Marshal's >books?

Funily enough, many (if not most) of my players have some or all of the books.  However, since I tend to be the obsessive / compulsive buyer, and reader (most important) I end up reading the books for them.  I often suggest reading for players, but typically they rely on my knowledge.

I used to get frustrated by this, however I recently started running Ghostbusters.  They have NO idea about the major players (having never seen the pics in the various suppliments, cause that would have been enough for these Civil War buffs.)

So now I get the pleasure of seeing them fill thier posse panties when they figure out just who they are working with.  It is good to be the Marshall sometimes.

>How many players purchase _only_ the book appropriate >to their particular character?

For those who do not collect all the books, they adopt this strategy.  Most of them however also pick up the core books, and sourcebooks that interest them (like Tot, or anything by Steve Long.)

>How many Marshals _don't_ want the players reading >the Posse sections in each book?

I DO want them reading this stuff (for the most part), but my current posse doesn't.  This is mainly cause I like to run a game where the posse goes after what they want to explore, not whatever I throw at them.

This doesn't go over too well with this group.  They tend to only bite at the big bait, and are not able to prioritize at all.  So I adjust the game accordingly.


However, I have been taking advantage of this by having a multiple murderer operating right under thier noses.  I think the doc from Atlanta may be onto him, but thats another story.  Of cource it could be jealousy since the bad guy is healing the posse instead of him.  Of cource, he is using ghost rock suspension infused with a tincture of child's blood.  That hasn't stopped the posse from swilling Phineas' magical exlixir down like there was no tomorrow.  I wonder if they will still drink it once the find out?

I hope so!

Jeff "hope this helps" Tolle


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