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Re: [DL] Re: Top Five Favourites

Ok Heres my top 5
1 Deadlands/HOE
2 CoC
3 Gurps Horror
4 Elric
5 Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

>From: Xotzil@aol.com
>Reply-To: deadlands@gamerz.net
>To: <deadlands@gamerz.net>
>Subject: [DL] Re: Top Five Favourites
>Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 18:41:12 EDT
> >>I was just wondering what everyone's Top Five RPGs of all time might be 
> >>order or not).
>1.   Deadlands/HoE.
>One of the only RPGs I've encountered that manages to balance setting 
>w/mechanics. Before all of you who are unhappy with the combat 
>dice-heaviness jump all over me about that, I'll say up front that it 
>doesn't bother me. Using cards, poker chips and dice together so fits in 
>well with the setting, and like any system you use, it gets easier the more 
>you use it. The mechanics behind Hucksters was clever enough to make me 
>stop breathing for a moment when I read about it the first time and mutter 
>(in a Wile. E. Coyote voice) "Genius. Pure genius."
>And as for the setting? Breathtaking. 'nuff said.
>2.   Call of Cthulhu/Delta Green (with a little Conspiracy X thrown in for 
>good measure).
>CoC was one of the first non-D&D games I played, and I absolutely loved it. 
>D&D never gave you a sense of mortality for your character like CoC did, 
>and that really appealed to me. I never got paranoid going through Tomb of 
>Horrors in the same way that I gritted my teeth and bit my nails at playing 
>Spawn of Azathoth.
>Delta Green (one of the two games to get a 10 out of 10 from the now 
>defunct "arcane" magazine) is perhaps one of the best written, best thought 
>out and best designed...I hesitate to even know what to call it. Setting? 
>Game? Whatever...brilliant. THIS is why I got into this hobby. And 
>Countdown was even better than the original setting book was (Tiger Transit 
>was an astounding piece of writing). If you haven't picked up Countdown 
>yet, Do So At Once. Now. Seriously.
>I throw ConX in there, because I like the basic idea behind ConX, but DG 
>does it so much BETTER. And what's REALLY cool about it, is that you can 
>dovetail the two setting bits together almost seamlessly.
>3.   Storyteller (Vampire/Werewolf/Wraith only).
>Say what you will about White Wolf...and today's D'arqraven/Bloodripple (is 
>lurch still here?) goth wannabes are certainly a good reason to say what 
>you will about White Wolf a majority of the time...the original intent 
>behind those three games still really affected me. The idea that Character 
>was more important than Statistic wasn't something I had really encountered 
>before, even in a CoC game.
>I ran a non-goth Vampire game for nigh on five years, and had a blast every 
>time I played, and my players were from the Hackmasters of Everknight 
>school of roll-playing. Vampire twisted all that inside out, and every one 
>of them was bending that last "l" into an "e" during every session. I was 
>so unhappy to see that troupe come apart, but I still really remember those 
>games with a great deal of fondness.
>I think I liked those three because they fit in with various facets of 
>human nature that don't get poked at often enough in RPGs...the ideas of 
>hubris (Vampire), social strata/tribalism (Werewolf) and regret/temptation 
>(Wraith). Those three games made me think about those things [with regard 
>to the game...I am not a navel-contemplator by nature...not unless I've 
>drank enough, anyway...] not only when I was making up scenarios for these 
>people to get involved in, but when I actually got to play, too.
>4.   Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (and other Strangeness).
>I've never played Rifts, and what little I've seen of the Palladium world I 
>really haven't liked, but a group of us played this for a short time and 
>had a fun time with it. Just for silly, non-sensical fun. Lots of leaping 
>up high with your mutated Antelope, and bringing unpronouncable Asian 
>weapons down on mooks with even more resoundingly unpronouncable sounds 
>being the result was a great way to waste a winter afternoon up here on the 
>frozen tundra in the dead of winter.
>5.   AD&D.
>It was the first thing I ever did, and even though I abandoned it to move 
>on to other things, and even though I do look down my nose at it a lot of 
>the time, it still was my first, and I have to remember it with a great 
>deal of fondness because of it. Sloghing through the Caves of Chaos, and 
>somehow managing to deal with all 537 orcs in one room without breaking a 
>1st level sweat still makes me smile.
>*sigh* Now I wish I had a group. Maybe John can patch things up with me ex 
>so I can move to Richmond after all. :-P
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