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RE: [DL] Combat streamlining

At 10:12 AM 7/27/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>I also I insist that if a player has to roll xdy, that they roll all "X"
>dice at once.  For to hit rolls, I have them roll the Hit location die with
>the to hit dice. 

I thought about doing this, but it doesn't seem worth it to me.  One more
die bouncing around the table (and likely falling into someone else's pile
of dice and confusing everyone/knocking over the Stupid Dice Structures we
all make occasionally) is not the point; it's the lookup time, hence, I
want everyone to have the (modified) chart (and they will, my preciousss,
yes they will...)

>I usually forget to roll wind damage, anyway.  Besides, if they want to
>stand toe-to-toe until they die, that's fine by me...
>I ignore stun effects for anything less than critical wounds  (I've found
>that stun, more than anything, bogs down combat)

Well, I'm one of those types who thinks that not all combats among
seemingly intelligent beings should go to the death, so I need either Wind
or Stun in play, and Stun seems the more plyable (less rolling for the
players and I can selectively decide whether to bother for the NPCs).  I
keep wind around, as mentioned, for exhaustion and non-lethal fights.

>> it works wonderfully for putting Action cards in
>> so that no one else can read them, but I (or anyone else doing it for
>> themselves) can see and reference them easily. S
>I *usually* make everyone reveal their cards so that *I* can keep the pace
Otherwise it's like this:
>ME: "Fours?  Threes?  OK I've got a two"
>PC: "Wait, I have a seven!"

I've never noticed that problem.  I usually call it like this:

"OK, so no Jokers?  Aces, Kings, Queens...  at about a second between each.
 I've never gone too fast for anyone, though I have occasionally missed
someone when all four of a certain value, plus a few for the villains, get
thrown.  But I get reminded when the player in question says something like
'Hey! Over here!  I knew you had it in for me and now you're not letting me
act, you j@ck@ss!' or something similarly endearing.  <g>