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Re: [DL] I'll Make Ya Famous...

>>I personally wouldn't mind being a character but how special is a
>>guy named ronald conner?<<

Do you really want us to answer that? :)

>>Now my three characters (of which I have had the chance to play only
one)would make much better NPC's. Randy spencer the Texas
Ranger...complete with walker theme music. Kolis Black munchkin
extrodair and Custis Morgan the Metal mage are all great names to work
with...feel free to kill me off any time.<<

Yep kill us off and we'll join the illustrious ranks of Deadlands undead
that includes Mr Seyberth (took me a while to remember where he starred but
I found it eventually)

Hey Allan, how are you finding unlife these days?

Roy "want's to be tentacled to death" Spence