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RE: [DL] Bill Withers (Was: I'll Make Ya Famous...) (OT)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: cmcgloth@halifax.com [mailto:cmcgloth@halifax.com]
> Subject: Re: [DL] Bill Withers (Was: I'll Make Ya Famous...) (OT)
> 	(Note to self: No more references to obscure-ish '70s 
> acts on the Listserver that no one will get....OK, no one 
> but Steve Long will get.:))
Hey! (born 1961) But then I probably won't get them either since I didn't
really start paying attention to music until college. 

> 	Bill Withers was a musician back in the '70s, best 
> known for "Lean on Me", "Ain't No Sunshine", and "Just 
> the Two of Us." "Use Me" was another of his hits.
The songs are familiar if not the artists. 

> 	If you'll please excuse me, I'm going now to take off 
> my mood ring and feed my pet rock....
What about the lava lamp?

Jim "don't forget to feed the goldfish in your shoes"