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Re: [DL] Another one

 >That is very much my inclination.  all the PCs doing this had at least
 >average Mien in this case.  But I have seen a really Glib fellow do this
 >with a "Ugly as Sin and mean as a Rattler" PC with 6d Mien (not bad) and 0
 >Persuade.  His reasoning was he was Roleplaying well therefore should not
 >*have* to degrade the conversation to die rolls.  I was not running that 

By forgoing the rolls, you tend to penalize those characters who spent 
points on them - or at least you make the points they spent on social 
skills a lot less important.

I had a player who knew physics and engineering.  He kept coming up with 
working solutions to problems, using his personal science skills.  His 
character - a gunslinger - had no science skills.   I had to apply the 
brakes to that.

Now - good roleplaying almost always comes with a bonus, or at least lower 
target numbers, but they had better have the skills.

Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/deadlands/index.html

Why did the chicken cross the road?

David Letterman:
And the No. 1 reason - fricasee!