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Re: [DL] Couple of Questions.

Hey all!

>     Another (fictional this time) would be that of Lt Colonel Richard Sharpe
> for Bernard Cornwell's books (yes Daphné I know, I know). Sharpe was a
> British Officer during the Napoleonic wars, whose son fought in the Civil
> war (hence bringing his father's blade (potentially at least) into
> Deadlands.

I bit my tongue, very hard in fact, not to mention Sharpe in my first email.
Seems Daniel has less restraint than I do. *g*

> His sword was a British heavy cavalry sword which was customisd
> for him by his Sergeant.  (Not a sword for finesse but more for hacking.)
> The orgin of the sword is described in "Sharpe's Sword."  The Sharpe books
> are all set in the Napoleonic era, but the author wrote a series of Civil
> War books (the Starbuck Chronicles) which are set in the "same universe" and
> feature Sharpe's son in a minor role.

Which of course is really cool for us hardcore fans.

I thought of another swordsman, which incidentally is the main reason for my
reply (other than a knee-jerk reaction at the name "Sharpe"): Cyranno de
Bergerac. Very much the witty fencer type, if that's what you're looking
for. "Votre pudeur vous empêche-t-elle de contempler ma lame nue?"

*keeps looking for swordsmen*

"That's the kind of woolly-headed, liberal thinking that leads to
being eaten."
                                       -Buffy the Vampire Slayer

> (The American Revolution
> and
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Daphne Brunelle <dbrune4@po-box.mcgill.ca>
> À : deadlands@gamerz.net <deadlands@gamerz.net>
> Date : Freitag, 4. August 2000 13:27
> Objet : Re: [DL] Couple of Questions.
>>No idea about dollar/pound conversion, but for the swordsman question, any
>>of the four musqueteers would do just fine: that'd be d'Artagnan, Athos,
>>Porthos and Aramis. Depends on what you'd want the taint to be :-)
>>Umm, if you're looking only for fencers, that would rule out Ivanhoe, but
> he
>>was pretty darned good with a sword as well.
>>I'll keep looking for others.
>> "I've really got to learn to just do the damage and get out of town. It's
>>the 'stay and gloat' that gets me every time."
>>                                  --Ethan Rayne, in Buffy the Vampire
> Slayer
>>>From: Max Trebilcock <max.trebilcock@virgin.net>
>>>To: deadlands-digest@gamerz.net
>>>Subject: [DL] Couple of Questions.
>>>Date: Fri, Aug 4, 2000, 6:09 AM
>>> Hi List,
>>> Just like me I don't mail you for weeks then three in one day.
>>> Couple of questions I'm wondering if anybody out there could help me
>>> with:
>>> First does anyone know what the Dollar to English Pound rate of
>>> conversion was in 1876/7, or a Site with this info.
>>> And secondly does anyone know of a Legendary Swordsman (Living or
>>> fictional) (Apart from Zorro), that I can name a sword relic after.
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> Max
>>> Visit the Path O' The Reckoning:
>>> < http://freespace.virgin.net/max.trebilcock/deadlands/ddindex.htm >
>>> or the Deadlands Museum:
>>> < http://www.geocities.com/arcanepath/deadlands/museum/museum.htm >
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> To unsubscribe, send a message to esquire@gamerz.net with
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