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Re: [DL] Couple of Questions.

On Sun, 6 Aug 2000 16:12:04 -0700, deadlands@gamerz.net wrote:

>  > >  Use either Inigo Montoya (from The Princess Bride) or his father
>  Domingo.
>  > >
>  > >  Nick Zachariasen
>  > >
>  >
>  > I was going to suggest this myself...I actually have inigo in my
>  > points loco) and worked up some good stats for the six fingered sword
>  which
>  > I will post later today when I get the chance.
>  Actually, his quest for the six-fingered man would be more of a Yearnin'.
>  Now, if the guy didn't exist, then THAT would be a Loco.

Well here is the whole story....
he is actually Diego montoya I just altered the name to be the grandson of
the origonal because of the time difference between the deadlands universe
and the PB universe.  The sword is the same and the story matches much the
same way.

the only difference is that Diego II is a bit daft.

He has four points in loco and is a huckster.  He also has 4 points in
renown as a gunfighter.  There is only one thing wrong with this.  He has no
gun fighting skills and has no guns.  People hear his name and fear the
speed of his pistols, he then hacks off a limb with the six fingered sword. 
Go figure.

He also belives that he is a great gun fighter.  Part of his delusion.  His
spells are as follows, silver tounged devil, incognito, touch o death, duces
wild, and soul blast.

I'll let you figure out the combonations on this but he also has grim
servant o death.  so he get's called out a LOT.

Now for the really trippy thing.  No matter who attacks him or what he gets
hit with he almost invaribly gets hit in either his right or left
arms....just like the final fight with count rugen....

I'll post the six fingered sword in a bit but this guy is gen-u-wine NUTs.

Ronald Conner
Sherriff of Nacadoches TX "Are you still here?"
Diego "No."

Say Bye to Slow Internet!