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[DL] Re: Is this place dead or what?

----- Original Message ----- >
> Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 06:06:52 -0700 (PDT)
> From: marshal_dude@excite.com
> Subject: Re: [DL] Is this place dead or what?
> Now that Wizards is running it you would expect them to move it to
> washington or something....
> Now I know what you are all going to say.  If they hold it on the west
> nobody will come...
> Bull____!  It's Gencon...You try to tell me that where they hold it makes
> whit of difference.  People would go if they held it on the dark side of
> moon during a solar eclipse.  I know I would.

You'd travel to the dark side of the moon to go to GenCon, but won't go to
