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[DL] You might be a DL gamer if. . .

Okay - I was skimming by the DL forum on gaming outpost and ran across these:

You might be a DL gamer if:
...your new way to calm yourself is to shuffle cards.

...you got a thing for big guns.

...you start to play poker.

...you take the Deadlands vocabulary in everyday talk (Howdy !)

... Your everyday vocabulary has lost the final "g" in -ing words.

  ... You usually don't like Western movies but start collecting them just 
to put game mechanics to the characters actions.

... You start associating the color orange with game books, and it's a good 

... You bought dice to match the orange books.

... You have an entire bookshelf of orange gaming books!

... You went out and bought a copy of Hoyle's to read, checked the 
publication date in the front of the book, and were disappointed.

... You don't smoke but your character does, so you looked up candy 
cigarettes on the Web and ordered several cases of them.

...Everytime you do something bad you blame it on your manitou.

...You eye the local grave yard suspiciously every time you drive by.

...You accidentally refer to your car as a steamwagon.

...Wonder which of your coworkers is actually a Pinkerton or Agency informant.

...You have gone to a mormon church for research (My marshall actually did 

...You run a betting pool on who will win the great rail war!

… you've actually begun to use the word "onerous" in everyday conversation.

...You find yourself trying to Overawe people while out in public (not me, 
but a member of my posse does this).

...You were one of those people who for years said you hated AD&D because 
there were too many different types of dice, but now you brag about having 
to have not only TONS of dice, but poker chips and at least three decks of 
cards JUST to play your favorite game - Deadlands.

...You went out and bought modern, firing replicas of all the firearms your 
character has.

...You rented True Grit because you thought it would involve Fearmongers 
and/or Tale Tellin'.

...You not only bought an old copy of Hoyle's, but you think you -may- have 
found the Soul Blast hex.

...You wonder why so many Western movie characters use Peacemakers when 
they could be using that S&W Russian Army pistol from Law Dogs that does +1 

...Every time you have a nightmare, you're convinced you've lost a point or 
two of dominion.

...You think Roy Rogers is just a drink and that President was Ronald 
Reagan's first job, but you've seen Unforgiven and Tombstone 30 times each.

...You've ever pointed out a scar and told people, "Yep, I got 3 points of 
Appeasement for that."

...you now have a collection of replica badges each one representative of a 
different character.

...you have a collection of replica badges with _holes_ in them to 
represent Stone.

...you have more poker chips and cards of more colors and styles than a 
mid-sized casino in vegas.

...you order grits on your gaming night pizza.

...and you want Whisky/Sarsparilla to drink with it.

...Though you previously detested country music, you now attend line dances 

...you know more about guns manufactured prior to 1900 than you do about 
your car.

...you know more about history between 1850 and 1900 than most of your 
history teachers. Of  course, you know a slightly _different_ history than 
they do.

...and you try to convince them that your version is correct.
Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/deadlands/index.html

Why did the chicken cross the road?

With my last breath I spit at the chicken...