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[DL] (DL) Re: Gamorra (Possible Spoilers)

Hi List, Brian,

Apologies if the list receives this twice (I'm having trouble)

How about the good old Quickdraw Contest, used it a couple of times,
nice way to introduce a setting (In the initial build up to the fight
and to introduce new characters).

In Gamorra it could give the opportunity to have the players encounter
the Black Jacks (Rachel Summner. Etc), the event itself could be funded
by Sweetrock (Maybe a plot to lure Blackjack into a kill zone).

Depending on when you set it and how much has traspired in Gamorra you
could involve Trippora (Think thats her name) Whatley (Who could be a

Another idea I've used is to have a nearby town completely decimated by
a Murderous Horde which involves raising a posse, again this could be
used to introduce the Posse with the Law Dogs, Agency or Rangers.

Hope that helps
