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Re: [DL] Collegium Book

> Out of curiosity, will the schedule be further delayed due to the
> Cybergames.com buyout, or will things remain (kind of) on schedule?

Not to my knowledge. We've reorganized the schedule a little bit. Right now,
I working on the Black Circle and hope to have it done in a month or so. If
all goes right, we'll try to get it out before the end of the year.

> On a totally different topic - is there any type of cool Halloween
> planned for Deadlands/HoE? Either in published form, or on the website?

Shane might, but I'm full up for the next two months. However...Epitaph #3
has a decidedly Halloween bent (it being my favorite holiday and all) and,
to continue the typically cryptic bent of most PEG comments, we may be
planning something special with it.

'Nuff said,
