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Remark on RE: [DL] Shoutin' and Fussin' and a question to change the subject...

Title: Remark on RE: [DL] Shoutin' and Fussin' and a question to change the subject...

Hey y'all,

You know something folks, when I mentionned to my Marshall I wanted to join this list, he took great pleasure in telling me that this was the _one_ and only list in which he'd never even seen the ghost of a flame. (Or would that be a Harrowed flame ? But I disgress...)

*endearing grin*

As much as I like to disprove said marshall as often as possible *cackles* I'd rather he were right on this one.

*makes funny faces at Ross*

So, here's something to change the subject.

I thought I should throw this theory on the list, on the offchance that some one else has already though of this (or it's in the books and I just don't know being somewhat new to DL and all...) or someone else may want to expand on this.

Dark Dynamite

Same basic stats as dynamite, although effects could and _should_ be radically different. *eg*

Using the theory that if normal dynamite explodes and creates smore or fire and whatnot, Dark Dynamite would _implode_, causing a short timed vacuum or wind funnel, cold, etc...

Created by (of course!) a mad scientist including ghost rock as a component, for starters...

Or maybe a nitrogen/nitroglycerin house blend ?

So, anyone care to join me to expand on this ?

*cackles some more and runs off to look for more dynamite*

Later all !