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RE: [DL] Napster/The Bible/etc. (REALLY OT)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: toadpooka@juno.com [mailto:toadpooka@juno.com]
> Subject: [DL] Napster/The Bible/etc. (REALLY OT)
> What is is recently with people just coming on and saying things that
> seemingly have no cause but to stir up long-winded and pointless
> arguments about nothing even remotely Deadlands-related?  
While I understand where you are coming from and agree that this forum is
for Deadlands related stuff, if we as a group condone copyright
infringement, where does it stop?  Who's to say that the next copyright
infringement the group endorses isn't the photocopying of PEG material?  And
if everyone is copying it and passing it around, how long will it take PEG
to go out of business?  And where will we get our Deadlands then?  Hmmm?

There have been any number of long winded, message heavy, bandwidth
consuming threads on this list.  The Death Star not blowing up the moon, is
killing in self defense a sin for blessed, a plethora of X-Men stuff, rants
against Wild Wild West (the Will Smith film) to name but a few (I'm sure I
could come up with a more comprehensive list had I the least interest in
it).  And given this much material only marginally (at best) related to DL
it's been remarkable civil.  

I posted the original message because I view copyright violations as
something many people may not be aware of (especially with regard to the
internet).  I saw two or three messages in agreement which also then turned
the topic over to the question of who uses music as a prop in their game.
Then came your rant.  

And despite your claim that there are been a bunch of recent messages
intended to inflame, I haven't seen much that would fall into this category.
Of course it may be that I'm killfiling those messages based on their

> The Bible thread on the HoE list about two weeks ago was 
> about the most pointlessly trolling thing I've ever seen on 
> either list (except perhaps in the dark days of illumn235), 
> and this Napster thing comes close.  It's one thing
If trolling were my intend I could have come up with something much more
inflammatory and insulting than Napster.  

> to start an OT thread that's based on something, but anyone 
> over the age of 12 should know that this sin't the time or 
> place to go shooting their mouth off about every damn thing 
> that's in USA Today.
I don't read USA Today but that's beside the fact.  And any 12 year old also
ought to know that stealing is wrong.  Napster aids in the distribution of
material that doesn't belong to them.  How would you feel if it was *your*
work they were whisking around the internet so blithely?  

> -Rich Ranallo
> PS: Vote Gore/Lieberman 2000!
And this is okay?  Shall we all go into a political debate now?  
