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[DL] Session Recap

Here is a recap Of my last game session.  Sorry that it's written from
Marshal perspective none of my party has the literary bent.  Some heady
stuff here so posses be warned.  This all occurs halfway through the road to
hell with a side line from the city o gloom boxed set.  I bring you showdown
at empire mill.  Ron C

Louie Lui and Chong Wang stepped lightly from the door step of the doctors
office.  Hanuman had told them that minor medical was included when the job
was taken but he hadn't expected them to use it quite this much.
Their contact had informed them that the third member of their party had
returned from the wastes, his mission only partialy sucessful.  They had
lost two good men on that folly and it seemed a waste of time.  The diamond
was getting further away the longer they took to find the gang who had taken
Eric's always impassive face showed flatly underneath the brim of his hat.
Inscrutable as usual.  Louie and Chong mulled over the events of the last
few days and Louie winced from the still fresh bandages on his side.  It had
hurt taking on that MAXIS suit.  The stray rounds had only caught air until,
Chong and Louie tried to intervene.  Lucky arrow hits had made short work of
the pilot but Louie would be in pain for a while.
The list of abandoned warehouses and factories in Junkyard sat on the table
an empty beer bottle holding down one corner.
"We'd best get going, that diamond isn't waiting around forever." Eric
"The Empire mill is the closest one to the spot where they dropped the
steamwagon, we should start there."
Another hour found the trio outside the forbidding two story structure.
Ragged with age and ready to fall into sludge creek at almost any moment It
seemed either the least likely place in the world for a hideout or the most
Louie and Chong stood in the doorway for a moment adjusting to the light
inside the building.  Eric looked closely over their shoulders and shrugged
to himself.  Louie smiled and stepped back.  A quick running start and then
a surge as he lept for the top of a nearby machine.  Two more hops across
planks that didn't look like they could hold themselves much less Louie and
he had planted himself on the catwalks above the mill floor.  The surge of
power from the Manuver had caused some of the planks to weaken and Chong and
Eric had to scramble to avoid falling into the flooded basement below.
Eric Crused to himself and stood up straight.  Chong shook his head at Louie
from below but kept quiet. "No sense alerting our quary he thought to
himself."  Louie made a quick scan of the platform and began moveing east
along the cat walk.  When the reached the east corner he squated and began
to stare off into the distance north.  After what seemed like hours he
whispered in mandarin, "I see something at the other end, I'm going to go
see!"  Chong tried to warn him or at least tell him to be more quiet but
Louie was off after his wild goose.  Chong could barely hear Louie creep
along the catwalk but every creak made him wince.
Eric began slideing around the interior of the room so as to avoid any
rotted boards or traps that might have been set for them.  Chong followed as
far as the western scaffolding before breaking off to check the upper
portion.  Eric carefully, almost painfully inched his way across the room
towards the center office and the vantage point he needed.  Louie was fast
approching his quary but still had no idea who or what he was sneaking up
on.  Chong stopped short on the catwalk, had he just seen something move.
Yes there in the office a definate movement.  He moved more quickly but just
as cautiously towards the office door.  Below him Eric quickly ducked behind
a piece of machineary and drew his Lemat and Adams.  Chong ignored his
companions over reactions and continued towards the door.  At the far end of
the room from all this Louie Lui had made contact with the inhabitants of
the The Empire mill.  To his great surprise they were hostile and far from
human.  Louie took one quick look at it before the acid began to disolve his
chest.  The fear that struck him then was more than he could bear and His
heart stopped for just a moment.  They never did find out what happened to
Several dozen yards away, Eric Draven was moveing quietly towards the figure
he had spotted.  He made his way behind the conveyer belt until he was only
20 feet away.  He hurdled the belt and shot quickly with his lemat.  Both
shots went wide in the dark and the figure lunged at him and missed.  A
lucky break for Eric.  The sight he beheld ran a chill through his bones and
his hands began to shake.  Eric went white and dropped his pistols.
Thinking like lightning Eric grabbed a quart of lantern oil from his
saddlebag and lit it with a match.  The flameing can he lobbed at the Green
gooey blob caught with a flare of black smoke and a wail of unearthly
origin.  The figure disolved into a puddle of flameing black and began to
char the floor of the Mill.  Eric had had enough for one day.  The lit his
lantern and yelled to the other two party member to clear the mill.
Chong was standing in an empty office.  The dust thick on the floor and no
sign that anyone besides him had been in the office in the last 10 years.
He heard distinctly the sound of gunshots and then Eric's yell to clear out.
Not wanting to be there in the first place, he turned tail and high tailed
it back to the entrance.
Eric ran across the rotten floor and drew a deck of cards from this pocket.
The floor was not stable enough for real running so a use of his more arcane
skills was necessary.  A quick thought and a flick of the wirst and he
jumped another 5 yards to a place more stable but deep into the shadows of
the room.
Chong ran until he saw enough places to land and took a running start.  Just
like Louie had done a few minutes ago Chong bounced off several low hanging
beams and pieces of machinery until he jumped clean out the door.  Eric was
right behind him running and popping from place to place to cover more
ground.  Eric was panting but he quicly put his cards away before Chong
could see them.  Chong looked trim and relaxed but both quickly lost
composure.  "Where's Louie?"  asked chong.  Eric shook his head, "We'll give
him five more minutes to clear out but I'm not going back in there."
Five minutes passed and still no sign of Louie.  "We've got no choice we've
got to torch it now."
"Why?" asked Chong
Thinking on his feet Eric replied, "Chemical spill.  Can't let it get into
the water supply."
"Don't they have filters on it?"
"Much more dangerous, this thing will eat through the filters."
"Oh.  Ok."
Eric took another quart of oil poped the cap and tossed it liberally around
the entrance.  With a last sigh he heaved the lantern into the Mill and
watched with relief as the wood caught fire.  The building went quickly and
before long was fully ablaze.  Patches of roof here and there began to cave
in and Eric looked at Chong.  "You knew him pretty well, if there were a way
out Louie would have found it right?"
"I'm sure if louie could have gotten out of there he would.  No sense
waiting around here, best get back to Custis and see what else we can do
until the fire stops.  You don't look at all well by the way."
Eric shook his head and swollowed hard.  The shakeing in his hands hadn't
stopped yet and Eric had a feeling it wouldn't for a long time.
A few hours later word came back that the blaze had burned itself out but
that nothing was left of the Mill itself.  Eric was again seated at the
Professor's table when the word came.  "A bit eariler than I had hoped but
things happen.  Professor, I'll be needing some new equipment for when we go
back to that place.  My weapon and your specialty."
Custis Morgan smiled wryly and went to the cabinet in the back.  He came
back with a gatling pistol in one hand and a flamethrower over the other
shoulder.  "You'll need a bit of training to get the hang of this."  He
Eric had the hang of it in a few minutes, He refueled and Chong and he set
back out for the Mill.  The smokeing ruins were much less forbidding now but
harder to search.  They split up each takeing a half until they finally
found what they were looking for.  The trap door to the basement was covered
with piles and piles of debris.  Eric tried in vain to move the pile but
with Chongs assisstance and a few attempts the door was opened.
They decended cautiously inching their way down the stairs.  A short blast
from the flame thrower revealed the layout of the basement and the fact that
the water was quite a bit less flameable.  Moveing through the waist deep
water Chong and Eric had only gone 15 or so feet when the beast attacked.  A
pair of green and black tentacles rose from the water and tackled Eric.  The
first blast left Eric trembleing and slightly acid soaked but still in full
fighting conditon.  A few short blasts from his flame thrower put the
tentacles on the defensive.  The posse backed to the stairs and Chong made a
motion with his hands.  "You want to stand clear of the water, this could
get messy."  Eric obeyed and stood back as Chong began to concentrate.  With
a flash, his arms began to glow with dark crackles of eldritch energy.  The
glow covered his hands and sparked like lightning.  Chong began to grin.
With a twist Chong hurled a bolt of it at the nearest tentacle.  It struck
squarely and the tentacle reared in pain.  Not quite a flame thrower but
still effective.  The tentacles and Eric traded blows for another few
seconds.  Eric managed three more shots with the flame thrower before one of
the tentacles decided to take him out.  It shot at Eric but Chong jumped in
front of it and grabbed it with both hands.  The surge of energy looked like
chinese fireworks as the discharge moved into the water.  The tentacles gave
a final shudder and then collapsed showering Eric and Chong with an
unpleasant goo.  The beast defeated, Eric and Chong moved back up the
stairs.  "Tomorrow," said Eric "I guess all of this can wait till tomorrow."
Chong gave a zen smile and one short nod.  The two walked back to their
buckboard slowly.  "Professor Morgan is going to have a fit when he see's
you got goo all over his favorite flamethrower."
"Yeah, I know," said Eric "let him whine I've had a day he would not

"Ewige Blumenkraft!"

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