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RE: [DL] Language skills--OT

Hell, I'm in the middle of Illinois, and a lot of the people here don't
even know which side of the Civil War their ancestors fought on (or,
that's what i gather from the rear bumpers of their pickups, at least).

yep, you can thank the US education system for that one.  I was quizzing a
cousin of mine on US History one day after discovering some astonishing
holes in her knowledge (she was a junior in high school).  After she failed
to answer what I thought were elementary US History questions I finally out
of frustration asked her who we fought in the civil war.  Being as we are in
Tennessee, the right answer would have been "The North" with extra credit
given for "Those Damn Yankees."  Her answer?  After a moment of thought she
managed to come up with "Germany?"

She couldn't figure out why I threw the history book at her....

iWon.com       http://www.iwon.com     why wouldn't you? 