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Re: [DL] Adventures in supplements

> The extra 15 pages that the adventure took up for my money are better
> on skills, powers, spells, and archtypes.  I just wish they would up the
> page count to 200 and make it even.  168 is an odd number.

This is because PEG has to go in certain multiples of 4 like much of the
rest of the publishing world.  For instance, my school paper (I'm the
Editor, by the way) had to be printed in 4, 8, 12, 16, etc. pages (currently
at 12, I don't know if there's ever been a 16-page issue) or else we get
socked a LOT for the printer having to cut the paper for the odd pages.  The
Dime Novels, unless I'm mistaken, were 64 pages.  It happens because when
you fold a piece of paper in half, you get four pages from it- the two outer
ones and the inner two along either side of the crease.  00 may seem like a
nice, round number to most of us, but it's not really a nice, round number
to a lot of publishers.

Nick Zachariasen