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Re: [DL] Raisin' Concentrations

--- Dan Davenport <danield@flash.net> wrote:
> > --- Dan Davenport <danield@flash.net> wrote:
> > > Seems like I once read a suggestion on how to handle the cost of
> > > raising
> > > a concentration when the PC already has another concentration
> under
> > > the
> > > same skill at a higher level. The point was to give some
> incentive
> > > for a
> > > PC who has, say, 5d12 in Shootin': Pistol to bother spending
> points
> > > in
> > > Shootin': Rifle.
> > >
> > > Does anyone remember this and/or have their own suggestions?
> > 
> > Sure, it's a flat 3 points to raise a concentration to the highest
> > level concentration you have in Char. creation or during play.  To
> use
> > your example, the Gunslinger would spend 3 XP and have shootin':
> rifle
> > at level 5 also.  It's in the PHB under raisin' concentrations.
> Do you happen to have a page number for that, Bryce? One of my
> players
> has the 2nd edition PHB and can't find that rule.
> (Lousy players... ;)

As a matter of fact (and five days searching...well five days nt
checking my e-mail and about five minutes searching) I do.  Weird West
Player's Guide, Page 38, Second Column, Heading: concentrations.  I
quote:  "Your character can learn additional concentrations of a skill
for a flat 3 Bounty Points, regardless of how high the skill itself
is."  As for the Char. Creation thing...well, I guess I either made
that up, or got it from the listserv, because I couldn't find it
anywhere in the book.  However, p.38 is in the Makin' Heroes section of
the book, so interpret that as you will.

-Bryce (I'm a "Lousy player")

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