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Re: [DL] It's been fun...

>     Shane and I wanted to give you folks a little heads-up on an
>announcement we'll be officially making early next week. As of the beginning
>of next week, I'll no longer be with Pinnacle.
>     The choice to leave was mine, and my departure from the company is
>amicable. It's something I've been mulling over for a while. I've decided to
>move back into the "real world" of employment. Two years of non-stop writing
>and living like a hermit has started to get old. :-)
>     I'll continue to write freelance, but on a much reduced scale than I
>have been for the past few years, and hope to occasionally snag a Pinnacle
>project from time to time.
>     I've had a great time working with Shane, John, and the rest at Pinnacle
>as well as you guys here on the list. I want to thank everyone for the good
>times I've had as a result of working with Deadlands and I wish Pinnacle the
>greatest success in the upcoming years.
>     I'll planning to remain on the list-although I'll no longer be an
>official voice-so you'll probably still hear me pipe up occasionally.
>John Goff

Well John, your still welcome at my gaming table...OK, mebbe we are a bit 
short in the "table" department, but you know what I mean.

I have greatly enjoyed your work with PEG and am glad you will be writing a 
bit more for them.  I hate to see ya go too.  I do understand, however.

So Black Circle will be the last "Goff" book then?

I am glad your remaining on the list.

I'd like to say a lot more...well...since your hanging around I'll say it 
as I think of it.

Good Luck!

Da Baron